The project...

On 12th June I had attended a Hackathon with Hackney council who had partnered up with The Alzheimers Society who brought together great minds to create a mobile app to help people with dementia. Great ideas were created and I had decided to take the idea created by my group further. Enjoy!  

The task set by the council was to create an app that would help the everyday life of an individual suffering with dementia. With help from a dementia specialist, we created a list of the difficulties an individual with dementia would face on a day to day basis.

Going to the local shop for groceries was the chosen scenario that we would tackle. First we had to plan each step an individual would take to complete this activity. With the list of steps written out, an analysis was conducted highlighting all the various areas an individual with dementia would find challenging; with help from the dementia specialist. 

After a short ideation process an app idea was created. This app would allow people with dementia to request for a local individual (dementia friend who would have undergone screening) to assist with various activities. The app were to be very simple to use with minimal input from the individual using it. Sounds, bold colours, and images were to be used to help guide the individual as these were found to be most affective in keeping the dementia sufferer engaged.     


With this in mind a user persona and user flows were created which drove decisions on development of the initial wireframes.

It was time to sketch. Paper sketch wireframes were created which reflected the various factors we would need to take into consideration. The wireframes followed a user flow which gave the users smoother transitions through the process of requesting a dementia friend for help. 

The design of the app was kept very simple with bright colours and sounds which would allow the user to keep engaged with the process and lower cognitive load preventing confusion. 


Initial wireframes...

Using the paper sketch wireframes I had decided to take this further and create a digital copy. 


Visual Design...